hat would the world have been like
without laughter, jokes or humour in it? One word- HELL! Since the creation of
man, comedy has been in existence. I strongly believe that comedy is the greatest
creation ever (even greater than the TV).
When man was created, the first forms of jokes were something like “Cain, as I
was on my way to the farm, I witnessed a pterodactyl farting over its eggs”,
believe me that was a rib-breaking joke then.
Over the centuries, comedy has evolved
and has constantly been increasing in level of humour. Various forms of comedy
have been created and modified in all countries of the world. A lawyer joke may be incredibly hilarious in
America, but when told to an audience in China, the comedian would think his
audience is made up of dead people.
Some forms of comedy are: Anecdotes, blue comedy,
burlesque (one
of my favourites), ironic comedy, parodic comedy, morbid,
dry, epigrammatic,
hyperbolic, juvenile,
satirical, slapstick
and stand-up comedy
(my favourite and specialty).
Stand-up comedy is the most
widespread and maybe the best form of comedy yet obviously because it can
employ most of the other forms of comedy. It involves a comedian standing up in
front of an audience (or even an angry mob) to tell jokes with the principal aim of
making them laugh (duh). The worst thing
that could happen to a stand-up comedian is for him to tell a joke and get
silence, or even worse, the “boo” (you do not want to get boos from an angry mob).
There’s a big difference between a boo and a woohoo
Comedy is also a cure to various
types of physical and psychological conditions. When I say physical, I don’t
mean like cancer or zits, I actually mean bad breath. The more you laugh, the
fresher your breath; it has been scientifically proven…by me. Psychological
problems that comedy can cure are depression and emotional distress. 87.3% of
people that commit suicide have been known to have little sources of laughter
in their lives (I made up that statistic).
When your boyfriend dumps you, or
when a bully smacks you, don’t retaliate, don’t get depressed, and don’t become
a psycho-killer. Instead go to the nearest movie store and purchase a comedy
movie. It’ll calm you down and is also a good source of stress relief.
I love burlesque because it involves
the humourous transformation of serious movies I’ve seen before. Like the movie
“Meet the Spartans”, being a humourous mimic
of “300”. I especially love the “How It Should Have
ended” clips, which are animated burlesques of real movies. There’s how lord of the rings should have ended, how Spiderman 3 should
have ended, how the matrix revolutions should
have ended, and tons of other how it should have ended movies. If you
haven’t visited the website, do it now! http://www.howitshouldhaveended.com/
I actually had no topic in mind
before I wrote this blog, it just popped up in my head and I had to post it. I
usually do this for stress relief and to look busy. But I hope you enjoyed it
and expect more from me.
Please leave your comments and I’ll reply to them, and make sure you all follow
me on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/funnymaniac
And like my facebook page: http://facebook.co./comedyhub
You can also email me at: thefunnymaniac@gmail.com
Tuesday, May
22, 2012